Sunday, October 18, 2009



At first I thought this was going to be a horrible thing that could quite possibly end my life. But as time went on I realized, it didn't end my life or even hurt me, in fact it made me realize something I think we all should. Before, I was so caught up with technology, I barely had time to do anything other than eat, sleep, dance, and spend the rest of my time, on or with technology of some sort. But then I sat back and realized a lot of this time that I, "Didn't have" I really did have and a lot more than I realized. This project made me really think about how much time I waste everyday watching tv, texting, and playing games. And it has made me really think twice about my priorities in life, and my goals in the future, honestly technology can be really helpful but if you use it too often you forget what it is really like to not have it. Too much technology weighs you down and makes it to where you can’t accomplish what you really want too in life.

Lab #14

Interview with Yebon Go

Q: When did you come to America?
A: About two years ago.

Q: What was you’re reason for leaving Korea?
A: I wanted to go to better college and get a better education.

Q: What was the biggest adjustment to living here?
A: The language has been the biggest adjustment for me.

Q: What is the biggest difference in American society as opposed to Korean society?
A: It’s not that different, but the people are different. American people are a lot more outgoing and so I had to learn to be more kind and outgoing, too.

Q: Would you say America is influenced more by technology than Korea?
A: Well, it depends. We use cell phones and internet and television all the time, so it’s actually like we use technology more often. But at school we don’t really use as much technology.

Q: What do you miss the most about Korea?
A: The people, my friends and my family.

Q: How are the school systems in Korea? Would you say they are more beneficial than the ones here in the United States?
A: I like here much better because you guys have more freedom in school. For example, you don’t have to wear a uniform. And you can bring your cell phone to class. It is a lot less strict and more laidback. The teachers here are really different, too. They are more open and try to communicate with the students, but in Korea, the teachers don’t really joke around and you have to be very respectful and polite.

Q: What is you’re least favorite thing about living in the United States?
A: I get homesick from missing Korea and the people there. Other
than that, there’s nothing really that bad.

Q: Do you feel like you have had more opportunities here in America than you would had you still been in Korea?
A: Yes, for example, if I’m doing a cello competition in Korea, the judges base a lot of you’re score on where you are taught and whether or not the school you are going to is good. Here, they don’t really do that as much.

Q: Are your parents living in the U.S? If not, who are(were) you living with?
A: My family is in Korea, and I stayed with my host family last year.

Q: How did you like your host family?
A: I liked it, but I missed my real family at home.

Q: Do you regret coming to the United States at all? Would you rather be living in Korea, even if it meant having less opportunities than here?
A: No I don’t regret it. I think I’m going to stay here forever.

31 Hours Cell Phoneless

Once something that we use every single day is taken away we notice it instantly.
My 31 hours of not having a cell phone started off just fine, I really don't use my phone too much unless I check the time, which of course I am obsessed with, but as the evening went on it started getting increasingly more difficult to resist the urge to text my friends just to see what they were doing that night. I have some friends that I literally just talk/text jibberish to all the time, so not being able to talk to them about anything that popped into my mind kind of made me feel a little lonely inside, also the fact that when I'm at my house I'm like in a little bubble, I live in a neighborhood with a population dominated by the elderly and most of my friends live at school or live back in South Carolina. I felt like I was all alone at one point late at night because I am so used to having someone to talk to up until I fall asleep to when i wake up. The next morning was the ultimate test of seeing how our modern day technology has made a difference in our lives. I had a kitten emergency and my mom and I had to rush him to the animal hospital, neither one of us had our cell phones on us. I was supposed to have a friend over at a specific time but was unable to tell him I couldn't make it because there was no way of contacting him. As my mom and I were sitting in the waiting room for over an hour we couldn't even go right next door to get a little something to eat with out having to explain to the receptionist the reason that we can't give them our cell phone numbers to call if the vet wanted to talk to us while we were out because we didn't have our phone on us. To add on to this unfortunate day there weren't even any pay phones in sight.
After this experience I will never take advantage of technology ever again. Some people say it pulls us apart from the world but I would say that it is like the glue that keeps us together.

If your vote was for sale... how much would you sell it for?


Welcome to our Commonweel Blog!
Six of us students at UNCSA were given an assignment to complete four labs all relating to social capital.

Here is what we learned...

Samantha, Brittany, Christina, Britt, Jerry, and Tina

oh and P.S.
any questions/ comments/ ideas??
post them!